Thursday, January 23, 2020


Sweep, dust, and vacuum every nook and cranny to cleanse even the most forgotten places. If the weather is nice, open your windows to invite fresh air inside. If we place our faith in God and His protection we have nothing more to fear. We need to obey God’s commands in order to make the devil leave us alone. The Bible also tells us that we should not give in to temptation.

how to keep spirits away from home

Meditate to control your emotions and take away power from demons. If you let demons scare you or make you angry, they can use that energy to gain strength and power over you. To keep them weak and drive them away, practice meditation and clear your mind of negative emotional responses like fear and anger. Focus on a positive mental image, like a peaceful sunrise, so you can radiate positive energy.

Cleanse Your Space With Sage

You can also read hundreds of different testimonials that you can find at each spell. When we feel that the process has finished, we get out of the water and rinse the bathtub well. To release an attachment, I tend to encourage people to focus on getting into a high vibrational state - and low energy attachments usually disengage naturally.

Perhaps an entity has come along that isn’t the one you thought you were talking to, or worse yet, maybe something negative has decided to pay a visit. Much like an uninvited houseguest, sometimes you’ve just got to send them away. Garlic made them burp and gave them foul-smelling breath, creating a radius of odor so strong, they believed, that evil spirits would not penetrate it. Put some cloves around your house to ward off the spirits. No evil spirit will get to your health that way,we promise.


When you construct this barrier and make it clear that the spirits aren’t welcome, they’re likely to leave without returning. You may already be familiar with holy water from church or other religious ceremonies, and you can apply this concept to blessed water in your home. Use water consecrated by clergy, or bless your own water or oil for this purpose. Apply your own unique blessing or prayer to a vial of water or clove oil, consulting with a live psychic for the right words if necessary. If using water, sprinkle it in areas affected by spirits.

My faith in you God is strong against the evil of the Devil because you have blessed me with your love and kindness. 🙏 If you would like me to pray on your behalf play the video above and listen along.☝️Have your prayer shared around prayer groups and holy places with theprayer submission. I’m also going to throw an alternate haunting type as the cause, fairies. It could also be an unknown entity or an elemental, which I’d be at a loss to give any clearing directions. I believe I just started hearing spirits and frankly they are wearing me out.

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But unless you welcome them in (here’s a post on how to welcome in positive Spirits), they’ll pretend they aren’t there. Having them around helps protect me and my home from other types of insects. It's also important to remember that if you are gonna be gallivanting in the forest all day and existing in the same space as Spirits, at some point, it’s going to happen. Most Spirits are helpful and most contribute to the overall spiritual ecosystem in a mutually beneficial way. This is true in nature and it is also true in The Spirit World. Have a bowl of sand ready so you can put out the burning smudge stick when you've completed the ritual.

how to keep spirits away from home

Many people believe that spirits thrive on disorganization, so it’s best to do this regularly. If you've been hearing strange noises, experiencing an unusual change of mood, or witnessing other bizarre phenomena at home, you might be worried that you're dealing with a demon. While there are likely logical explanations for these things, you can still try cleansing your home by lighting some incense or candles. Additionally, if there are any objects that are putting off bad vibes or energy, take them out of your home so they're out of sight. You should also try to keep your home as clean as possible since some people believe demons thrive in a dirty environment.

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In the other case, we used the protective circle with white candles. Once the ghost used its energy, we used clearing techniques to remove any residual ghostly energy. If you can’t leave, then you want to make a protective circle. Just pour an inch-wide circle around you and your team. The circle should be big enough for you all to turn take a few steps left or right.

how to keep spirits away from home

A good friend recommended this “express” trick that you can use at any time in case something like this happens to you. At the end of the cleaning, we will take our salt, and we will leave three handfuls of salt in each corner of every room. If it is not possible to leave it in all the corners, leave three handfuls just behind the door.

Hold a fireproof dish underneath to prevent stray embers and ashes from flying through your home (you don't want to trade evil spirits for dangerous flames). Go with something meaningful to you, such as an abalone shell or a clay bowl. I can feel the dark shadows of the spirit invading my mind and soul. It is trying to tempt me off your path and towards sin.

how to keep spirits away from home

Its powers and properties come from its crystalline structure and it is the easiest crystal to obtain. Many of you ask why salt is so powerful at keeping spirits away. Let’s see how and why salt works and why it can be the best and easiest protection for you, your home and your energy. You can also put a Himalayan salt lamp on your nightstand if you're searching for a bedside light that keeps you mindful while banishing the bad vibes.

Can all work together to repel certain types of spiritual energies from contacting you. 7 Things That Repel Ghosts / how to ward off spirits - Photo of wooden bridge across water with pink sky by Skitterphoto from Pexels with text overlay of post title. If you clean up the crumbs, there is less of an attractant to mice and less debris. So not energetically clearing a space, can ultimately create a problem that builds up.

how to keep spirits away from home

The clearer this signal is, the more likely in the future you'll be able to attract the type of spiritual energy you want in the home. If you praise darker energies, some Spirits will see that as an invitation to show up. Even if you are researching that type of energy for work, be more careful, beef up your positive energy signals on your off time. Once you’ve gotten rid of whatever it is that has been lurking, make sure you do a final cleansing of the space to help prevent further recurrences from unwanted visitors. Use the tips included in Magical Self Defense as a way to keep negative entities away. Every once in a great while, people run into a spirit that’s not just stubborn, but downright hostile.

Place one Quartz Crystal in each corner of a room throughout the house. If you're looking to give your house protection from evil, you'll want to have some objects ready to go. From evil eye protection for a house to bells and beyond, hanging wards around doors and windows will give your home an extra layer of security. Try placing horseshoes over your front door — they're thought to keep witches out while giving luck to those who do get in (e.g., you, your BFF, your bae). Other useful wards to hang around your home include Japanese glass wind bells, Indian wind bells, and modern wind chimes.

how to keep spirits away from home

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